To agree with this circular would be go against the freedom of choice and freedom of choice should be everyone's right to practice it freely. I really do not agree that closing all internet cafe's in school area's will have any effect on where kids will go to get their internet fix. Student's will choose to do what they do when they want to. If they choose to risk their studies over some internet gaming and other things, then that's they choice they have to deal with when they get older and realize that what they did was not worth it. This is something that a Dictator would instill to prevent those who choose to use the internet for freedom of information. The internet is a vast world filled with information and learning material. To take away that would be only taking away from those who choose to use the internet for the right reason. I say that these bans are unnecessary and uncalled for. This should be given to the people to vote and not some government organi...
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