Met some goats walking down this dirt road. They weren't that talkative. Many ask me how is BattamBang is and I tell them that it's a country city that I enjoy living in. You really don't get the rush that Phnom Penh gets but that's a good thing. Not only that, but the people move a little slower here and there's not much corruption going on that I see. Maybe it's going on under my nose; but if it is, then I prefer it that way. Finding work here is also a problem and hopefully I can find one soon. That's the reason why I'm able to be on this blog most the time trying to write about the things that's happening here and things that might interest the ones who live here. Beside that, everything seems to run at a normal pace and getting to know new people is a pleasure. So whats going on in your part of the country?
Battambang Info, Food, News, Places,Things.