You would think that being the second largest city in Cambodia, Battambang's roads would be in better condition than they are. These dirt roads make it real hard on those that are trying to travel the back roads to get to their homes or other places.
What I think:
I think I mentioned before that Cambodia is not a poor Nation. The thing about it is that money that's coming in goes into the pockets of those that seem to misplace the money, and not back into the Country. Battambang is such a beautiful City and I hope that someone steps up to turn this place into a better place to navigate.

Battambang can be better than it already is. I like the peace and quiet and people here seem to move a little slower than the other major cities like Phnom Penh and Seim Reip. If the people would come together to make it happen, I see that these roads could be a progress for our daily lives, and help make battambang a better place to navigate.
It seems like the roads in this area is starting to get worked on. The pic above shows how the road use to look. Even with out the work being completely done, the road looks a lot better. Now here's to finishing it soon. Pics will be coming soon.
What I think:
I think I mentioned before that Cambodia is not a poor Nation. The thing about it is that money that's coming in goes into the pockets of those that seem to misplace the money, and not back into the Country. Battambang is such a beautiful City and I hope that someone steps up to turn this place into a better place to navigate.
Battambang can be better than it already is. I like the peace and quiet and people here seem to move a little slower than the other major cities like Phnom Penh and Seim Reip. If the people would come together to make it happen, I see that these roads could be a progress for our daily lives, and help make battambang a better place to navigate.
It seems like the roads in this area is starting to get worked on. The pic above shows how the road use to look. Even with out the work being completely done, the road looks a lot better. Now here's to finishing it soon. Pics will be coming soon.
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