The Coconut Water is one of the many NGO's that are here in Battambang. They are located on the corner of St 3 and 119 St, across for Gecko Moto's.

Who They Are
They are a welfare foundation working locally around the world to improve the quality of life for women and children through education.
They work towards education for all regardless of their social position. Their educational programs emphasizes gender equity and environment care.
They work for women empowerment. 47% of men and 51% of women agree that men have, in practice, more rights than women. men are thought to have more rights in areas business, education, and politics. It's also believed that women lack sexual freedoms and the ability to travel as they wish. They fight these injustices, and work towards affording everyone equal rights.
For more on this NGO, you can visit their website.
(Phone: 053-63-00-958/053-63-11-958
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