Following a drunken argument, the two older brothers of the Sesan district family, farmers Lob Chansaboth, 48, and Lob Chansokha, 47, stabbed their sibling, Lob Sibunna, 38, in the face with a knife, killing him instantly, said Duong Sivutha, director of the penal crime police office in Stung Treng.
Talking about being a bad drunk. Well I can say that they might get enough time to sober up and and think about what they did. If alcohol throws you in a drunking rage, then good suggestion is you shouldn't be drinking.
Stung Treng men accused of killing younger brother | National news
Talking about being a bad drunk. Well I can say that they might get enough time to sober up and and think about what they did. If alcohol throws you in a drunking rage, then good suggestion is you shouldn't be drinking.
Stung Treng men accused of killing younger brother | National news
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