Phsar Thmey is one of the many supermarkets located in Battambang Cambodia. This like all the other markets are center shopping centers selling anything from fresh fish, meats, and vegetables. The best time to shop for your food is in the morning when everything seems fresh. Now for some that have never been to a country like Cambodia and think that this place is going to be some nice clean super market might be intimidated to know that it's not that at all. The markets here are a little unsanitary and the fish and meat are just layed out on tables or even on the ground. There is no freezers or packaged meat.
If you are a small size person, then finding clothes that fit is not a problem for you here. Unfortunately for me since I'm a little bigger, clothes are a task to find if not impossible. Hopefully one day, I will be able to find a place where I can shop for clothes at ease.
Also in these markets, there are plenty of money changers and gold booths for those that want to change any currency or try there hand in buying some gold or silver.

Overall, even though this place as well as many of the other markets in Cambodia might not be what we are use to, these places do have there benefits and making a home cooked meal can be bought for as low as $1.50. Kitchen items and toiletries can also be bought here. Looking for a bowl of noodles or rice with pork? get it here. Some of the better foods I tasted are sold in places like this.

So if you plan to visit, I no doubt that you will be probably be visiting one of these places for some of your needs. Till then, please enjoy these picture and don't hesitate to comment.

If you are a small size person, then finding clothes that fit is not a problem for you here. Unfortunately for me since I'm a little bigger, clothes are a task to find if not impossible. Hopefully one day, I will be able to find a place where I can shop for clothes at ease.
Also in these markets, there are plenty of money changers and gold booths for those that want to change any currency or try there hand in buying some gold or silver.
Overall, even though this place as well as many of the other markets in Cambodia might not be what we are use to, these places do have there benefits and making a home cooked meal can be bought for as low as $1.50. Kitchen items and toiletries can also be bought here. Looking for a bowl of noodles or rice with pork? get it here. Some of the better foods I tasted are sold in places like this.
So if you plan to visit, I no doubt that you will be probably be visiting one of these places for some of your needs. Till then, please enjoy these picture and don't hesitate to comment.
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